
Saturday 12 October 2013

Fly Posted by Bill Stickers

Printed posters on hoarding, Creekside, Deptford.
A lot of street art appears round the Creek area as it is edge land. Railway arches, yards, wharfs and industrial estates strung along the riverside, twin lines trailing the rivers twisting muddy shore. Artists gravitated here when the buildings were half empty and the rents cheap. There is plenty to see. Visit Cockpit Arts, A.P.T, HUBArts - and more... Trouble is galleries can be a bit unwelcoming. I passed one of these galleries most evenings and only once went in to a 'private' view, I always felt like an outsider. It may be harsh but I wonder how much they engage the local community from the red brick estate across the road. That is what is good about the art that escapes from the studio and onto the street. It may not always be as well executed but that is not the point. It has a vitality. Someone made this while someone else kept watch, sweaty hands and beating heart, I bet they had a laugh as they made they're getaway! Its not all done over yet round here. There are still some bits that have escaped the developers. Not for long though, regeneration (or ruination depending on your view) is busting a gut round here and all the character is getting swept away - it is happening fast... so get down here while you can to the H'apenny Hatch Outdoor Gallery. There is almost always something to see even if it is just the dystopian detritus of a burnt out scooter or the exploded carcass of a deconstructed dyson dead on the side walk. The council guys clean the art off pronto. They are all on 24/7 call out so its a constantly changing scene. Whats there in the morning is often gone by the evening and a new blank canvas awaits thank you very much. Arty appeals to their better nature written on the walls fail to move them from their mission to grey out every last offending mark. They really should give each effort a couple of days before they re-paint the canvas for the next lot!

This is what is coming soon. The latest hotel/apartments or whatever eating up the area. Built right up to the plot edge to maximize profit this one actually gets wider as it goes up and hangs over the road. Skip lorries and concrete churners grumbling past your bijoux balconette, dust of days on your corn flakes in the morning. water works that smell rank in the summer and the site of the start of the jumbo sewer if they ever get going on it just across form your apartment. No wonder they sell them all off plan in Kuala Lumpa. That way you don't notice the DLR runs at head height past your lounge window. Great for train enthusiasts though.

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